Irkut Completes Su-30SM Fighters And Yak-130 Trainers Delivery Under 2014 State Defense Order

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:48 AM, December 29, 2014
  • 3109
Irkut Completes Su-30SM Fighters And Yak-130 Trainers Delivery Under 2014 State Defense Order

IRKUT Corporation has completed the state defense order in 2014, with delivery of more than 40 Su-30SM multi-role fighters and Yak-130 combat trainer aircraft to the Russian Defense Ministry.

In 2014, together with the increase of Su-30SM fighters supply to the Russian Air Force, IRKUT began the transfer of this type fighters to the Russian Naval Aviation.

The Yak-130 combat-trainer sales geography was enlarged. In addition to the training airbase in Borisoglebsk, since 2014 new Yaks come into service of the aviation training base in Armavir, which is part of the Voronezh Flight Training School of Military Training and Research Center of the Russian Air.

President of IRKUT Corporation Oleg Demchenko said that in terms of the military aircraft supply, 2014 became a record year in the entire post-Soviet history of the company.

However, plans for 2015 include an increase in military aircraft supply. "The professionalism of our staff and upgraded manufacturing base in recent years, allows us to increase the production of military aircraft along with the construction of the first MC-21commercial airliners", said Oleg Demchenko.