BAE Systems said it received the first contract from the Space and Missile Systems Centers Space Production Corps to deliver M-Code Military Global Positioning System User Equipment to Germany. Under a...
BAE Systems said it has been selected as prime contractor for the remainder of the second phase of a U.S
The U.K
BAE Systems said it received a $90.2 million contract from the U
BAE Systems has won a U.S
The UK Royal Navys HMS Prince of Wales Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier has departed for operational training and sea trials. In a statement, BAE Systems said Shared Infrastructure (SI) networks and...
BAE Systems has won a $76 million contract modification to produce additional Vertical Launch System (VLS) canisters for the U.S
BAE Systems has signed a contract worth around $200 million to produce and deliver 127 BvS10 all-terrain vehicles to the Swedish Army, adding to its existing fleet of BvS10s. The contract...
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The French Armament Directorate (DGA) has placed an order for the
China is constructing a large military command center near Beijing, which U
The French Directorate General for Armaments (DGA) ordered new surface-to-air defense (DSA) and anti-drone (LAD) systems from MBDA & KNDS France worth €600 million
The United Operational Test Team has conducted the first dual, external release of a GBU-54 Laser Joint Direct Attack Munition (LJDAM) from an F-35, marking a step in integrating the precision-guided bomb with all variants of the aircraft