Boeing Wins $1.49 Billion P-8A Surveillance Aircraft Contract

August 28, 2015 @ 02:37 PM

Boeing has won $1.49 billion contract from the US Navy to build 13 P-8A maritime surveillance aircraft, and...

Twenty Five Companies In USAF's $21 Million TSA III War Fighter Training Program

August 28, 2015 @ 02:33 PM

Twelve major and 13 small companies have been awarded positions on $20.9 billion Training Systems Acquisition (TSA)...

Serco Wins US Navy IT Support Contract

August 28, 2015 @ 01:28 PM

Serco has won a $45.9 million contract from US Navy to support the Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP)...

Lockheed Martin Delivers Additional MC-130J Commando II To US Air Force

August 28, 2015 @ 10:25 AM

Lockheed Martin has delivered an additional MC-130J Commando II aircraft assigned to the US Air Force Special Operations...

Subsystem Technologies Wins ARDEC, Rapid Prototyping and Technology Initiative Contract

August 27, 2015 @ 12:49 PM

USAs Subsystem Technologies has won an Army Rapid Prototyping and Technology Initiative (RPTI) contract as part of a...


Aussie Firm To Provide Components For US Navy's MQ-4C Triton UAS

August 27, 2015 @ 12:35 PM

Mincham Aviation has won an Australian supplier contract from Northrop Grumman for the US Navy's MQ-4C Triton unmanned...

Raytheon To Bid For US$20.9 Billion USAF Training Systems Contract

August 27, 2015 @ 11:18 AM

Raytheon has been selected by the US Air Force to bid for a $20.9 billion training Systems Acquisition...

Lockheed Martin, AM General May Protest US Army JLTV Contract To Oshkosh

August 27, 2015 @ 07:27 AM

Lockheed Martin, AM General may protest the US Armys decision to award $6.7 billion contract to build first...

Bell Helicopter Wins AH-1Z Helicopter, Parts Contract From US Marines, Pakistan

August 26, 2015 @ 03:38 PM

Bell Helicopter has won a $581 million advance acquisition contract that inclcudes manufacture and deliver 19 Lot 12...

Raytheon Test Fires AIM-9X Block II missile From US Army Ground Launcher

August 26, 2015 @ 02:40 PM

The US Army and Raytheon have successfully test fired an AIM-9X Block II missile from the Army's ground-based...