The South Korean Army plans to develop combat uniforms with new camouflage and a combat meal to the...
In a clear attempt to intimidate North Korea, Washington and Seoul will hold one of its biggest ever...
Airbus Helicopters has been awarded a contract from South Korea's National 119 Rescue Headquarters for the purchase of...
South Korea and Denmark will test a maritime safety and communication system on the shores of South Korean...
Korea Aerospace Industries has chosen Harris Corporation to furnish carriage and release systems for the next-generation Korea Fighter-Experimental...
Russian head of state-run diplomatic think tank has said that the only feasible solution to the problem of...
The South Korean Army carried out an air-to-surface missile firing exercise using eight Apache attack helicopters on Monday. Each...
The South Korean military will conduct its first live-firing exercise with US-built Hellfire air-surface missiles to be launched...
South Korea may develop its own nuclear-powered submarines or purchase them from US to deal with North Korean...
South Koreas Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) will put the KUH-1 Surion helicopter to another icing test in Michigan...
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