Nearly 50 of North Korea's submarines have left their home port in the wake of escalating tension with...
North Korea is ready to wage war after being "provoked" by the broadcast of anti-DPRK "psychological warfare" messages...
The Korean Defense Ministry will be hosting White Hat Contest 2015 in October to select anti-hacking experts to...
North Korea has built a cover around its rocket-launching platform possibly to evade from surveillance by spy...
Fresh satellite images have suggested that the North Korea has completed upgrade to its main rocket launch site...
North Korea will launch a new, long-range rocket, possibly in October from its newly erected launch tower at...
North Korea is gearing up for the massive military exercise that will be held in October. The South Korean...
The North Korean government has decided to grant amnesty to persons convicted of ‘crimes against the country and...
North Korea test-fired a newly deployed anti-ship rockets, after a month of the countrys claim that its navy...
South Korea has successfully test-fired a ballistic missile Wednesday that has range of at least 500 kilometers, various...
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