Vice Chief Of The Air Staff Commissions IAF's MAFI Pilot Project

  • Our Bureau
  • 10:07 AM, March 27, 2014
  • 2618

The Indian Air Force’s (IAF) Modernization of Airfield Infrastructure (MAFI) Pilot project - a $411 million initiative to modernize all airfields of the IAF, Indian Navy and Coast Guard, has been commissioned on March 26.

The Vice Chief of the Air Staff (VCAS), Air Marshal RK Sharma said: “MAFI project, by fulfilling the need to match ground infrastructure with capability of the modern aircraft, will enhance the overall capability of the India’s Air Power,” adding, “MAFI would substantially improve all – weather capability, aid the civil aircraft that operate from the joint – user aerodromes, enhance Aerospace safety and in the process aid growth of the aviation sector in the country.”  

In March 2011, Tata Power (Strategic Electronics Division) was awarded a $200 million contract to modernize 30 operationally important Indian Air Force airfields and install one DVOR/DME at Naval Base, Kochi in the Phase-I of the MAFI project. The remaining airfields of the IAF, Indian Navy, Coast Guard and ARC are included in the Phase-II of the project under the 'Option Clause'.

The Indian Air Force and Navy have seen induction of modern aviation platforms and up-gradation of their existing aircraft fleets at regular intervals in the past. Need was also felt to upgrade the navigational aids and associated airfield infrastructure commensurately. Also, AAI and civil airlines operating from IAF airfields have been demanding installation of the Instrument Landing System and other navigational aids to avoid cancellation of flights during poor weather conditions.

The MAFI project includes installation and integration of CAT II Instrument Landing System (ILS), CAT II Air Field Lighting System, Automated Air Traffic Management System, Distance Measuring Equipments (High and Low Power), Doppler VHF Omni-Directional Radio Range (DVOR), Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) and associated infrastructure.

In this project, all the navigational aids will be of international standards meeting the ICAO specifications. The up-gradation of navigational aids and infrastructure under the MAFI project would enhance the operational capability by facilitating air operations of military and civil aircraft even in poor visibility conditions/adverse weather while enhancing Aerospace Safety.

The pilot project involved complex and extensive integration of various navigational aids and other equipment, it was first executed at Air Force Station, Bhisiana, a premier airfield in the Western sector, selected as the 'Model Base’. From the experience gained while executing the pilot project and the design review, a template for the remaining airfields has now been crystallized. The navigational aids and other equipment installed have been thoroughly tested over a period of time by trials conducted by the IAF's fighter, transport and helicopter aircraft before the Acceptance Checks were completed and the Model base formally declared operational by the Vice Chief of the Air Staff (VCAS).