Indonesia to install four more new radars, defense minister says

  • 12:00 AM, July 30, 2008
  • 2733
Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono has said that the government would have four more radars in the 2010-2014 Strategic Plan program to cover the Indonesian territories. "Previously, we have procured four new radars in the 2005-2009 Strategic Plan program," Minister Juwono said in a hearing with the Parliament (DPR)'s Commission I and Indonesia's Defense Force Chief General Djoko Santoso here on Monday. The four new radars procured through the export credit program of 2005-2009 would be placed in Indonesian easternmost regions, namely Saumlaki, Yamdena, Merauke, and Timika, the minister said. The government in stages would pursue self-reliant production of radar facilities optimally by involving domestic industries such as PT LEN INDUSTRI (PERSERO) Electronics for Industry and Infrastructure and PT DI aircraft manufacturing company. However, both PT LEN and PT DI up to now did not have military radar technology, while the transfer of technology process was still very limited, therefore radar facility self-reliant process would be a long way to go, he said. Despite the shortcomings, the government was committed to protecting outer most regions, he stated. The defense ministry in cooperation with related ministries and institutions could boost development programs in the outer most regions integratedly and comprehensively, he said.