Software Upgrade Solves IAF Su-30MKI’s Display Problem

  • Our Bureau
  • 12:32 PM, June 16, 2014
  • 6011
Software Upgrade Solves IAF Su-30MKI’s  Display  Problem
Software Upgrade Solves IAF Su-30MKI’s Display Problem.

A software upgrade has solved the Indian Air Force  Su-30MKI’s  cockpit displays and  head up display (HUD)  blanking off  problem. Besides, a failure of the mission computer has been addressed to by replacing the faulty computer wherever necessary.

The display blanking off and mission computer failure had caused a furore in the media earlier this year after hackers released correspondence between Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and  Rosorobonexport, in which the latter had complained of this serious issue dogging Indian Air Force’s front line fighter aircraft.

HAL chairman, R K Tyagi has been quoted as saying that the display issue afflicted only a limited number of the earliest batch of Su-30 aircraft which had been imported from Russia. “Very few aircraft reported the issue of mission computer failure and HUD blanking-off”, Tyagi has been quoted in Deccan Herald newspaper.

He clarified that the issue was intermittent in nature and related to aircraft having an older software version. “The issue has been addressed by upgrading the software by the Russian side and replacing the mission computer and HUD wherever it was found unservicable during service checks”, he added.

He further said that following the software upgrade and other service action taken, no problems concerning the Su-30 fighters has been reported from any IAF base.

The Su-30MKI is being licence-manufactured in India with a high level of indigenization. HAL has reportedly mastered a majority of the technologies required to manufacture the aircraft. The aircraft is being progressively upgraded and later versions will have Airborne Electronically Scanning Array (AESA) radars which will vastly increase the capability of the aircraft.

In addition, the aircraft is being prepared to carry the Brahmos cruise missile in its underbelly to conduct precision strikes in enemy territory. It has recently been tested with an Indian-made beyond visual range air to air missile.

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