WFEL Delivers Military DSB Systems To Switzerland

  • Our Bureau
  • 01:45 PM, June 19, 2014
  • 3726

WFEL delivered four Dry Support Bridge (DSB) systems in the 46m configuration to Armasuisse, the Swiss defense procurement agency, in May, which were subsequently passed on to the Swiss Army Engineers.

The company secured an order of ten wheeled launch vehicles and six 46m bridge modules with walkways worth £37million deal, for a second part of its Dry Support System (DSB), following an earlier order of ten 46m WFEL bridge modules with walkways, and 14 launch vehicles contract in 2011 worth £57million.

The DSB is almost identical to the US M18 DSB system except that it has a different chassis with provision for walkways. Each US Army DSB consists of a Oshkosh M1075 (10x10) truck chassis towing a M1076 trailer carrying the launching beam elements, and two Oshkosh Defense M1077 (8x8) trucks towing a similar trailer carrying the actual bridge equipment. The US Army has ordered 108 DSBs and deliveries are almost complete.

Other products of WFEL include the Medium Girder Bridge (MGB) and Air Portable Ferry Bridge (APFB).

The MGB is a lightweight, modular bridging system that can span dry or wet gaps of up to 76 meters, while the APFB, which is based on the MGB, is designed specifically for light, fly-forward or expeditionary forces.

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