Britain Pushes Eurofighter For MMRCA Fighter Jet Deal

  • Our Bureau
  • 04:20 PM, July 9, 2014
  • 4321

Britain still eyeing the MMRCA fighter jet deal.Britian still believes it can override the France’s Rafale multi-billion dollar combat jet bid with Eurofighter.

William Hague, Britian’s foreign secretary along with George Orborne, British Finance Minister in a joint briefing to the press said on Tuesday that they had a strong belief in capabilities of Eurofighter and it is available to countries willing to purchase it.

"We're dealing with the Indian government; we're not imposing anything on anybody. Of course friendly countries that wish to buy things from the United Kindom, they are able in compliance with our laws and regulations to buy those things," Hague said.

Among other defense deals, the UK is eyeing a £250 million contract with MBDA UK for the supply of Advanced Short Range Air to Air Missiles for the Indian Air Force’s (IAF) Jaguar fleet.

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