Russian Nuclear Submarine Vladimir Monomakh Completes Acoustic trails

  • Our Bureau
  • 09:59 AM, October 8, 2014
  • 3994

Russia's third Borei-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine Vladimir Monomakh, has successfully completed acoustic trials, the Sevmash shipyard said Tuesday.

"The submarine has fulfilled all tasks and specialists have gathered all required data and will be processed at Krylov state scientific center, Russia’s main ship research and Design Company," Sevamsh said.

“The submarine has finalized a program of state trials, extensive acoustic trials and now will be prepared for handover to the Navy. All submarines under the project are built and the shipyard is building nuclear submarines of the modernized project of Borei-A class,” it added.

Borei-class submarines are strategic missile-carrying submarine cruisers. They are integrated with intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) Bulava and are expected to become backbones of Russian naval strategic nuclear forces for next few decades.

Eight Borei-class submarines are planned to build before 2020, including three of them under project 955 armed with 16 intercontinental ballistic missiles and five of them in project 955A provided with 20 intercontinental ballistic missiles.

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