Bangladesh Navy To Get Two New Submarines By 2015

  • Our Bureau
  • 12:30 PM, October 13, 2014
  • 5048

The Bangladesh Navy will add two new submarines to its naval fleet by 2015, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced yesterday.

“Inshaallah, two submarines will be added to the naval force by next year,” she said while awarding National Standard to BNS Osman at Naval Berth in Chittagong.

Besides, two new corvettes will be added to the Navy fleet to strengthen the capability of the force to protect the maritime boundary and sea resources, Hasina said.

She also added that a process is on to set up the biggest naval base at Rabanabad in Patuakhali with facilities for submarine berthing and aviation.

“It's imperative to ensure a favourable atmosphere and security in the maritime area for extracting sea resources and securing trade. The naval force has to perform an important role in this regard,” said Hasina.

BNS Osman has been awarded with the National Standard for its outstanding contribution at home and abroad for the last 25 years, including its engagement in the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Lebanon for the last four years, according to the Daily Star.

The premier hoped that the Navy members would uphold the dignity of the force through their high efficiency and discipline and by maintaining the chain of command.

Hasina said her government has taken short and medium term plans to make the Navy an efficient, modern and balanced three-dimensional force by 2030, according to the report.


As part of the plans, 16 ships, two helicopters and two maritime patrol aircraft have been given to the Navy during the tenure of her government, she said.


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