Lucid Introduces New Hostile Fire Detection Sensor

  • Our Bureau
  • 07:59 AM, November 21, 2014
  • 3304
Lucid Introduces New Hostile Fire Detection Sensor
Thunderbolt Hostile Fire Detection (HFD) Sensor

Lucid Dimensions announced today the release of the ThunderboltT Hostile Fire Detection (HFD) with the ability to instantly detect and locate the origin of hostile weapons fire by using both Infrared (IR) and acoustic sensors.

ThunderboltT system builds upon the company's prior Spherical IR-only weapons flash detection, with the established ShotSense3DT product line.

The addition of acoustic sensors gives the user "eyes and ears" specifically tuned to detect, classify, and locate hostile fire. Sensing both light and sound allows ThunderboltT to accurately calculate range to the target and therefore geo-locate the shooter with great precision. In addition, sensor fusion increases the system's ability to reject false alarms, particularly important in high-stress scenarios where false alarms can distract and frustrate users.

The warfare threat is often encountered when riding in a tactical vehicle in an ambush situation with no warning whatsoever. ThunderboltT provides users real-time actionable intelligence, day or night, including the location and type of hostile fire so that defensive measures can be taken.

Lucid's CEO, Tim Riley, explains: “We sought to create a lean HFD system possible for the lowest price. ThunderboltT offers our customers the ability to cost effectively geo-locate hostile fire from relevant ranges with a high probability of detection and a very low false alarm rate. This is extremely exciting as it makes previously unaffordable technologies now available to a wide variety of platforms and applications, bringing an added layer of protection for those who courageously put themselves in harm's way for the greater good." 

ThunderboltT is a multi-modal (IR and Acoustic modalities) HFD sensor which provides broad protection for a variety of missions.

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