USAF, USMC and Raytheon Flight Demo Miniature Air Launched Decoy Jammer

  • Our Bureau
  • 08:48 AM, December 10, 2014
  • 4282

The U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Air Force successfully collaborated with Raytheon for the first flight demonstration of a Miniature Air Launched Decoy Jammer (MALD-J®) equipped with a radio data link.

Adding the data link expands the weapon's situational awareness and allows for in-flight targeting adjustments.

Raytheon flew a captive carry mission from the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station in Yuma to support a Marine Corps Weapons and Tactics Instructor exercise. The exercise used the USMC's recently released Electronic Warfare Services Architecture protocol and a Tactical Targeting Network Technology radio.

"This flight test shows MALD-J's ability to integrate new technology that will provide the warfighter more capabilities on the battlefield," said Mike Jarrett, vice president of Air Warfare Systems for Raytheon Missile Systems. "The Marines are operationalizing the Marine Air Ground Task Force Cyberspace and Electronic Warfare Coordination Cell and Raytheon is part of this forward-thinking solution to a complex problem."

MALD®-J carried out its assigned radar jamming mission on the range and was able to send situation awareness data to the EW Battle Manager (EWBM). The EWBM used this information to adjust the MALD's mission while in flight.

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