Modernized BEL Software Technology Centre Inaugurated

  • Our Bureau
  • 01:26 PM, January 7, 2015
  • 3041
Modernized BEL Software Technology Centre Inaugurated
BSTC inaugurated by the Vice President of India M Hamid Ansari.

The Vice President of India M Hamid Ansari today inaugurated the modernized BEL Software Technology Centre (BSTC), the software development centre of Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL).

BSTC is a part of the Central Development & Engineering Group of BEL-Bengaluru.

After the inauguration of the modernized software centre, S K Sharma, Chairman & Managing Director, BEL, said, “In modern day warfare, software is playing a crucial role. Realizing its importance, BEL has been building up expertise in software for defence applications. The inauguration of the new facility today is a major milestone in our endeavor in this direction. The major strength of this Centre is its capability to quickly grasp the requirements of the Defence forces and develop suitable software application to meet the operational requirements.”

BEL has identified software development and support as a major thrust area and the Software Division, was established within the BEL factory premises. The division performs software design, development and support tasks for complex defence networks and systems.

The focus of the division is software development and support for software intensive systems and projects for the other SBUs of BEL, Bengaluru. This includes projects for all the 3 defence forces - Army, Navy & Air Force, as well as the paramilitary forces and Coast Guard and also products for civilian purpose such as the Electronic Voting Machine and the Doppler Weather Radar. Additionally, the Division provides software quality services such as testing and validation.