Korean Army’s 10 Commandments For Relations Between Sexes

  • Our Bureau
  • 09:26 AM, January 29, 2015
  • 5732
Korean Army’s 10 Commandments For Relations Between Sexes
Korean Army’s 10 Commandments for relations between sexes

The Korean Army plans to draw up a code of conduct, or 10 commandments on relations between male and female service personnel following several sex crimes on military bases, Korea Herald said quoting an unnamed officer.

The decision was made after an Army colonel was arrested on charges of raping his female subordinate.

"The new rule will be designated as the order of the Army chief, which means it will be legally binding," the officer said, adding violators will face strong punishment.

The report said, "The 10 commandments would include banning a male or female soldier from entering the residency of a colleague of the opposite sex alone, and prohibiting using both hands when shaking hands among different sexes."

It is also expected to involve the "fraternization" rule, which bans relationships between people of unequal ranks.

"After a legal review, the military will soon issue the new rule," the officer said.

The military began an extensive probe to find possible victims of sexual abuse.