Indian Navy Issues RFI For New Missile Corvettes

  • Our Bureau
  • 10:53 AM, February 9, 2015
  • 6834
Indian Navy Issues RFI For New Missile Corvettes
It appears that the Indian Navy is looking for corvettes smaller than the new Kamorta-class ASWs.

The Indian Navy has issued a Request for Information for six new Indian-built missile corvettes primarily as surface warfare vessels.

Under the Next Generation Missile Vessel (NGMV) programme, the navy requires "Surface warfare capabilities, low RADAR, acoustic, magnetic and IR signature, high endurance and credible AMD/AA capability".  

The navy's RFI leaves out specifics of displacement. However, it appears that it could be looking for 2,000-2,500 ton vessel class – smaller than the brand new Kamorta-class ASW corvettes that began inductions last year, but significantly larger than the Indian-built Kora and Khukri class of surface warfare corvettes, according to LiveFist.

The requirement comes with an ambitious weapons complement requirement which includes, eight SSMs, a point defence missile system (the Barak is currently the only PDMS in Indian Navy service), an MR Gun system ("with stealth features having range not less than 15 km and capability to carry out Surface to surface, surface to air and Anti Missile Defence (AMD) engagements should be fitted. It should have the facility to be remoted using Fire Control Radars (FCR) as well as EO (Electro-Optical) sight."), and a CIWS.