Tiger Helicopter Crews To Be Trained With Rheinmetall Simulation Technology

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:04 AM, February 12, 2015
  • 3116

The Düsseldorf-based Group recently signed a contract to continue training the crews of the Franco-German Tiger multi-purpose attack helicopter with Rheinmetall simulation technology.

In December 2014, the Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperation OCCAR (Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d’Armement) signed a modernization program contract with ARGE TATM (ARGE Tiger Aircrew Training Means) - a cooperation between Thales and Rheinmetall.

The contract for the modernization of simulator technology started on January 2015 and will be completed by September 2018.

The contract encompasses the upgrade of existing simulators, which will be updated to match the latest configuration of the original aircraft. This includes the software for the basic management and mission systems as well as new cockpit hardware. Furthermore, the updated simulation will take into account the new French attack helicopter variant, Tiger HAD (hélicoptère d’appui et destruction).

The procurement package also includes simulators for the new simulation facility in Phalsbourg, France. Moreover, Germany’s Operational Support System, the EUA, will be subject to the modernization program, facilitating mission preparation and tactical training.

The existing simulator technology will be modernized with a new visual system, new visualization software and new projectors for the display systems as well as the replacement of obsolete computer technology. Additional services and support operations for the simulators, including obsolescence management, complete the order.

Thales and Rheinmetall began developing training systems for the Franco-German Tiger attack helicopter in 2001. At present, simulators for Tiger crew training are in operation at three locations: two in France (at the École Franco-Allemande in Le Luc and in Pau) and one in Germany (Fritzlar in Hessen).