Russian Firm Manufactures Similar US Humvee Variation

  • Our Bureau
  • 10:11 PM, March 1, 2015
  • 3920

Russia has come up with a new variation on the US Humvee or HMMWV that can seat 10 soldiers and weighs an approx. 4.5 ton.

The vehicle is based on Kamaz 4X4 truck and looks lot like hummer. It is a light armored vehicle and has at least four video cams. The design feature might also include protection against bombs and mines and would mainly be used for para-military operations.

Another Russian firm has been producing remarkably similar version of US HMMWV named Tigr. Tigr weighs five tons, can carry crew of four and about a load of 10. Tigr cost about a third of HMMWV M1114 model. 

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