US Army Approves Sale Of Israeli RT’s Skystar 180

  • Our Bureau
  • 04:41 PM, March 18, 2015
  • 3651

RT LTA Systems’ Skystar 180 was chosen to be one of the approved technologies for purchase in the annual AEWE (Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment) conducted by the US Army, according to the company’s press release Wednesday.

The Skystar 180 system, showcased at the AEWE, includes a Multi Sensor Miniature Stabilized TR STAMP Payload of the Israeli company CONTROP and a communication relay of both HARRIS and THALES.

Through the AEWE program, held at Fort Benning Georgia, the US Army encourages companies from around the world to submit technologies, in the form of production-ready devices and products, for approval.

SkyStar 180 is a small size, mobile aerostat designed for tactical mid-range surveillance and public safety, police, and military applications. Based on a towable trailer, the system payload features a stabilized day/night electro-optical payload, a camera and a communication relay, all suspended from a helium filled aerostat, tethered to a ground system.

It operates continuously at wind velocity of up to 40 knots, and can lift a payload of up to 20 kg, providing surveillance coverage from an altitude of up to 1,000 ft. for up to 72 hours, after which it is brought down for a 30-minute helium refill. Only 2 people are required to fully maintain the system.

Skystar is a self-contained, versatile, easily transportable, cost-effective tactical system comprised of a ground control station, a ground system module, a tether, a lighter-than-air platform, a stabilized payload platform, and a sensor suite.

Currently, Skystar systems are deployed in countries such as Afghanistan, Israel, Mexico, Thailand, Canada, Russia, Colombia, and various countries in Africa.





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