O'Dea Announces Trials of LTAV's

  • (Source: Ireland Department of Defence)
  • 12:00 AM, September 22, 2008
  • 1142
The Minister for Defence, Mr. Willie O Dea, T.D., has confirmed that three vehicles have been selected to go forward to the trials stage of the tender competition for the acquisition of Light Tactical Armoured Vehicles for the Defence Forces.>> The three vehicles are the following:>> -- BAE Systems RG 32 M S Africa> -- Iveco Defence Vehicles UK IVECO LMV (Panther) Italy> --MOWAG Eagle 4 Switzerland>> A standard vehicle from each company has now arrived in the Curragh Camp for the commencement of trials. It is expected that the trials will continue until early November 2008.>> Minister ODea said that it is the intention to have a contract for the acquisition of the LTAVs in place by the end of the year. The purchase of the vehicles is in line with the commitment given in the Programme for Government to continue investment in the most modern of equipment for Defence Forces personnel. The LTAV procurement programme forms an integral part of the on-going equipment programme. The purchase of Light Tactical Vehicles for the Defence Forces is regarded as a priority by the Defence Forces given the nature of their roles on overseas Peace Support Missions.>> A tender competition was initiated by the Department of Defence in May 2008 for the acquisition of Light Tactical Armoured Vehicles. Tenders were received in early July and were the subject of evaluation by military/ civilian Project Team.>> The proposal is to acquire an initial twenty-seven vehicles (17 for overseas mission and 10 at home for training). The tender competition will allow for two additional options, for another twenty-seven vehicles. The intention is that the LTAVs will complement the Mowag Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) in the conduct of conventional and Peace Support Operations.