Aeronautics To Present New Unmanned System At Paris Air Show

  • Our Bureau
  • 09:42 AM, May 21, 2015
  • 4985

Israel's Aeronautics announced Today that it will present Orbiter 1K, a loitering unmanned system, for the first time at the Paris Air Show.

Orbiter 1K is based on the structure and properties of the Orbiter 2 - Aeronautics’ Renowned unmanned aerial vehicle. This is the first time Aeronautics presents a UAV in the Loitering category.

It is launched from a catapult and can fly for 2-3 hours. It also carries a multi-sensor camera with day-and-night channels. The loitering system is compact and easily controlled from a personal GCS.

Given a specific waypoint, the loitering Orbiter 1K is capable of detecting as well as destroying a moving or a stationary target.

The system can also operate on the base of a given area range. It independently scans the area, detects and destroys the target eithermoving or stationary.

In case the target wasn’t detected or in any change of plans, the system’s recovery capability allows it to return to its base camp and land safely using a parachute and an airbag. The Orbiter 1K is expected to become operational soon.

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