Saab Technology in Combined Exercise

  • (Source: SAAB)
  • 12:00 AM, September 22, 2008
  • 2467
This week, seven European countries carried out a combined military exercise in Norway. Saab technology was used to make the systems used in the exercise interoperable.>> Today, all live missions and peacekeeping missions are multinational, which in turn requires multinational exercises in an environment that is as technically realistic as possible. The systems that are used must be able to communicate with each other and be fully interoperable.>> Therefore, this week seven European countries carried out a combined exercise at the Rena Leir combat training installation in South East Norway, hosted by the Norwegian Army and with technology from Saab.>> Saab facilitates multinational exercises by having developed a technology that makes it possible to carry out integrated and simulated combined exercises across national borders, says Fhleming Christensen, Saabs head of programmes for ground warfare solutions.>> Creating efficiency>> The concept means that Saab supplies the various participating countries with equipment that functions regardless of the technical system each country uses. Every country has a shared laser code and a standardised level of vulnerability and evaluation.>> Saab also had support staff on site throughout the week.>> The exercise could be followed via computer monitors, using an advanced system that Saab was also responsible for. It was possible to see the location of every soldier, who had been hit and who had fired. The programme can be used in both real time and recorded time, which is hugely beneficial when exercises such as this one are subsequently evaluated.