CH-147F Chinook Simulators Completes On-Site Acceptance Test

  • Our Bureau
  • 01:10 PM, May 27, 2015
  • 4357

CAE announced today at CANSEC, Canada's premiere defence trade show, that a comprehensive suite of CH-147F Chinook simulators and training devices have completed on-site acceptance testing and are ready-for-use.

The CH-147F training devices for the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) include a CH-147F WST - a full-motion, full-mission simulator featuring a six-degree-of-freedom (DOF) motion system, 3-DOF vibration platform, 200-x- 60 degree field-of-view visual display system, and CAE Medallion-6000 image generator with Common Database (CDB)architecture.

The CH-147 training devices also includes a CH-147F tactical flight training device (TFTD) - a fixed-based simulator featuring a 200-x-60 degree field-of-view visual display system and CAE Medallion-6000 visual system with CDB Architecture.

It also includes CH-147F deployable tactical flight training device (DTFTD), which is a transportable simulator that can be deployed in-theatre to provide pre- deployment training and mission rehearsal.

Another training device for RCAF is CH-147F integrated gunnery trainer - a training device specifically for door gunners, loadmasters, and flight engineers featuring a 180-x-95 degree field-of-view visual display system and the ability to network with the CH-147F WST and TFTD.

CAE's pan-Canadian team of suppliers and subcontractors on the CH-147F training program includes Bluedrop Performance Learning, Gestion MGCO, Weatherhaven and other Canadian suppliers.

The RCAF has begun interim pilot training using the CH-147F weapon systems trainer (WST). The RCAF and CAE are currently finalizing other elements of the comprehensive CH-147F aircrew training program, including courseware. Further, the entire CH-147F training program is expected to be declared ready-for-training later this year.

Lieutenant Colonel Chris McKenna, Commanding Officer at Department of National Defense, Canada said, "The new MHLH training centre and the capabilities it will provide are perfectly aligned with the RCAF's Simulation Strategy and will enable us to maximize the use of simulation-based training throughout our training curriculum."

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