Kongsberg Books $15M CROWS II Contract with US Army

  • (Source: Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace)
  • 12:00 AM, September 24, 2008
  • 4521
WASHINGTON --- Last week, the US Army issued Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace AS a contract valued at $15 million for additional PROTECTOR Remote Weapon Stations (RWSs) to be integrated into the Vanguard Sniper Defense System and manufactured in Johnstown, PA. This order is part of the existing $1.4 billion Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station (CROWS II) framework agreement signed by the US Army in August 2007.>> Under this latest contract, the CROWS II will be included with the Vanguard Sniper Defense System for the US Armys Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles. The Vanguard System improves greatly on Soldier survivability and capability to respond to sniper fire in combat. KONGSBERGs PROTECTOR Lite with similar capabilities as the CROWS II is already in use on vehicles by the US Army in Iraq and Afghanistan.>> This is another success story for Kongsbergs Protector Family of Remote Weapon Stations, said Knut Saeter, VP of Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace in Alexandria, VA. The Kongsberg CROWS II now is being employed in the same effective way as our M240/M249 Protector Lite, which has been in active service in both Iraq and Afghanistan since early 2007 as part of the Vanguard anti-sniper system.>> Headquartered in Norway, and with manufacturing facilities and offices in the US, KONGSBERG is a supplier of high-technology systems to the defense and aerospace industry specializing in anti-ship missiles, command and weapons control systems and communications systems. KONGSBERG is the leading supplier of remote weapon stations worldwide, providing 16 countries with the PROTECTOR Family of RWSs.