Carrier-Based Launch System Reaches Milestone

  • (Source: US Naval Air Systems Command)
  • 12:00 AM, September 24, 2008
  • 502
NAVAIR Patuxent River, MD ---The Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) took its next giant step toward fleet introduction Sept. 3, when it reached the 10,000 High Cycle Testing, Phase 1 milestone at the General Atomics test facility in Tupelo, Miss.>> HCT-1 was conducted in order to verify the performance capabilities of EMALS electrical and thermal power equipment, and the shipboard cycling rate of the energy storage subsystem.>> To assure EMALS motor technology will operate efficiently and reliably on the carrier, it completes 10,000 simulated launch test cycles.>> By evaluating the EMALS launch technology through repetition, HCT-1 reduces the risk of structural failure, strengthens confidence in EMALS reliability and validates system life and electromagnetic interference predictions.>> The successful completion of HCT-1 is an important step in the process of committing EMALS to the Fleet for daily operation, said Capt. Randy Mahr, NAVAIRs Aircraft Launch and Recovery (PMA-251) program manager.>> EMALS is scheduled to begin its second phase of HCT in winter 2009. Phase 2 will involve full power train testing and will give a specific prediction of EMALS operations. HCT-2 will also perform environmental qualification testing, which is used to confirm the adequacy of the equipment design under normal, abnormal, design basis event, post design basis event and in-service test conditions for the performance of safety functions.>> EMALS is designed to replace the existing steam catapults used on the Nimitz class aircraft carriers.