Bell To Develop Weapon Systems For Pakistani Attack Helicopters

  • Our Bureau
  • 12:33 PM, August 18, 2015
  • 5756

The US Department of Defense today has awarded a US $85 million contract to Bell Textron Inc to develop weapon systems to support US, Pakistani government helicopter fleet and US Navy.

The new contract is an update to a $925 million contract to supply fleet of attack helicopters and hellfire missiles awarded to Boeing, Bell, General Electric and Lockheed Martin in April this year.

According to the previous contract, Pakistan will receive 15 AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters, 1000 AGM-114 R Hellfire II missiles in containers, 32 T-700 GE 401C engines (30 installed and 2 spares) and 17 AN/AAQ-30 Target sight systems.

The package also includes 30 629F-23 ultra-high frequency/very high frequency communication systems, 19 H-764 embedded global positioning system/inertial navigation systems, 32 helmet mounted display/optimized top owl, 17 APX-117A identification friend or foe, 17 AN/AAR-47 missile warning systems, 17 AN/ALE-47 countermeasure dispenser sets, 18 AN/APR-39C(V)2 radar warning receivers, 15 joint mission planning systems, and 17 M197 20mm gun systems.

Bell has to complete the work by August 2020. 

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