Carrier-borne Su-30SM Aircraft To Fly at MAKS 2015

  • Our Bureau
  • 02:36 PM, August 24, 2015
  • 6081
Carrier-borne Su-30SM Aircraft To Fly at MAKS 2015
Su-30SM carrier borne fighter

The Russian Navy’s “double multipurpose” fighter Su-30SM will participate in the flying displays of the MAKS 2015 show next week.

The Su-30SM is a further development of the family of combat aircraft such as the Su-30MK, produced at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant - branch of PJSC "Irkut Corporation", a company press release said.

The fighter has been adapted to the requirements of the Russian Ministry of Defense in radar systems, radio and public recognition, the armed, ejection seat and a number of support systems.

Su-30SM is unique for its super-manoeuvrability, is equipped with radar with a phased antenna array, engines with thrust vector control and canards. The fighter is able to use modern and promising high-precision weapons class "air-to-air" and "air-to-surface".

"Su-30SM comes into service of naval aviation of the Russian Navy in July 2014. Five of these aircraft are flying with the naval aviation wing while  3 more of these machines will come in during September-October 2015.

It is planned that in the period up to 2020 naval aviation of the Russian Navy will receive more than 50 Su-30SM," said Chief of Naval Aviation Russian Navy, Major-General Igor Kozhin.

"Great range, the ability to refuel in the air, the ability to hit with precision weapons, air, surface and ground targets”, Major General Igor Kozhin said speaking of its features.