Czech Republic Buys Rheinmetall Mithras Illumination Rockets

  • Our Bureau
  • 01:05 PM, October 6, 2015
  • 4453

The Czech military has placed an order with Rheinmetall for the handheld Mithras illumination rocket.

The Germany based defence contractor will supply the Czech armed forces with an initial shipment of tens of thousands of Mithras rockets. The order is worth around €720,000. In strategic terms, it is important because the Czech Republic is one of a growing number of NATO nations to choose this innovative illumination rocket.

Mithras is used for signalling and battlefield illumination. It is designed for ranges of 300, 600 and 1,000 metres. A wide variety of payloads are available, including starburst flares, coloured smoke, instant smoke/obscurant for signalling or parachute cartridges for visible or infrared illumination, assuring maximum operational flexibility.

Mithras is a self-contained system fired without a flare pistol or other launch device. It features a triply secured, rotatable arming mechanism, assuring safe handling in accordance with STANAG 4497, which can also be returned to safe.

Other features include low recoil in combination with a negligible smoke signature as well as spin and surface stabilization for low wind sensitivity.