Some 200 Terrorist Operatives Carried Out Paris Attacks: Debkafile

  • Our Bureau
  • 09:44 AM, November 16, 2015
  • 4561
Some 200 Terrorist Operatives Carried Out Paris Attacks: Debkafile
French navy Rafale fighter returns from a mission in Iraq and lands on the deck

At least 200 terrorist operatives could have been involved in the planning and execution of  the attack on six locations in Paris that led to the death of 127 people and 8 attackers, Israeli news website, Debkafile reported.

Quoting ‘counterterrorism experts’ it said coordinating so many simultaneous terror attacks by a large team called for months of preparation, precise intelligence, a variety of weapons and a large team of dedicated killers backed by exceptional staff work and organization.

The website said, “at least 200 operatives at various levels were completely in the picture and directly involved in at least two months of advance planning.”

However, AP quoting Iraqi intelligence officials said that the latter had warned France about specific details of the attack including that the attackers were trained for this operation and sent back to France from Raqqa in Syria.

The officials told the French news agency that a sleeper cell in France helped the attackers to execute the plan. There were 24 people involved in the operation; 19 attackers and five others in charge of logistics and planning.

Debkafile said that the night of November 14 will be remembered for the failure of France’s intelligence agencies such as the DGSI and DGSE – or their refusal - to pick up the slightest clue to the massive preparations afoot for the terrorist outrage in Paris.

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