Russian Air Force To Receive First T-50 Fighter In 2017

  • Our Bureau
  • 10:08 AM, December 28, 2015
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Russian Air Force To Receive First T-50 Fighter In 2017
Sukhoi T-50 fighter jet

Russian Air Force will receive the first of its newest fighter T-50 in 2017 after the final tests are completed.

Russian Air Force commander in chief, Colonel General Viktor Bondarev in an interview with TV channel Russia 24 Sunday said that the air force will start receiving T-50 fighter aircraft in 2017.

"So far, all the tests are on the program, which was approved earlier. We will finish the testing and begin to receive the fighter aircraft in 2017,” he said.

Bondarev in late September reported that test promising aviation complex tactical aviation (PAK FA) T-50 successfully tested and will be completed in 2016. According to him, the aircraft fully confirms the inherent requirements and it remains only to complete the test.

T-50 is Russia’s fifth generation multipurpose fighter aircraft. The use of composite materials and innovative technology, aerodynamic design aircraft, engine performance provides unprecedented low level of radar, optical and infrared signature.

This can significantly improve its combat effectiveness in the work of both air and ground targets at any time and any weather conditions.

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