Russian communication complexes trigger immense interest at arms show in Greece

  • 12:00 AM, October 9, 2008
  • 3797
Russian communication complexes trigger immense interest at arms show in Greece
Russia became one of the key members of the international arms show Defendory-2008 in Athens. Omsk Manufacturing Association named after A.S. Popov proved to be one of the most outstanding participants of the exhibition. The company produces unique communication devices operable in most extreme situations, when conventional communication complexes, both stationary and mobile, become useless. This enterprise, a constant member of respectable international arms shows, demonstrated independent mobile complexes that can be used under military conditions, as well as during global natural and man-causes catastrophes which make the use of traditional communication complexes impossible. The recent events in South Ossetia, when Georgian troops destroyed both stationary and mobile communication in Tskhinvali, can serve a typical example of the situation when products of the Omsk-based enterprise can be necessary. The products manufactured by the Association allow to successfully conduct joint peacemaking and antiterrorist events with NATO partners and guarantee independence of our country since the integral communication infrastructure and state governance is a determining feature of sovereignty of any state under wartime conditions. That is why both foreign and domestic members of the exhibition in Greece evinced great interest in products presented by Omsk Manufacturing Association named after A.S. Popov. Spokespeople for the Association used an unusual trick to advertise their stands – pictures taken by world-famous Soviet photographer and constructionist, Alexander Radchenko, who worked at a respectable publication devoted to the achievements of the Soviet radio industry during the 1930s. Such a non-standard, as it may seem at first sight, approach, used in partnership with the publishing program of Interros, was caused with the fact that it is impossible to promote Russian technologies on the market without a similar phenomenon regarding the achievements of our culture. Omsk Manufacturing Association named after A.S. Popov and its products deserve special attention just because of the fact that the enterprise has overcome all previous difficulties and currently increases its production capacity against the background of the severe crisis in the Russian defense industry. It is worthy of note that the number of visits of the website of the enterprise has exceeded 150,000 recently, and it only goes about the visits from the renowned Silicon Valley in the USA . The visits increased during the introduction of a unique development of Omsk engineers chaired by Ivan Polyakov, which means that world’s leading makers of communication complexes are greatly interested in the novelty. The demand on the production of Omsk Manufacturing Association named after A.S. Popov on both home and world markets testifies to its uniqueness. Over 30 countries of the world purchase its products for the time being.