Israel’s New Guided Missile To Enter Service Soon

  • Our Bureau
  • 08:05 AM, January 15, 2016
  • 3875
Israel’s New Guided Missile To Enter Service Soon
Israel's New Super-Precise GPS-Guided Missiles About to Enter Service

A new GPS-guided artillery rocket, Romah developed by Israel Military Industries (IMI) firearms manufacturer, will soon be operational.

Eli Reiter, head of IMI's Rocket Systems Division, claimed that the new missiles could be fired at pre-programmed co-ordinates within a few seconds from when an order is given, IHS Jane's reported.

"If a sector experiences a security escalation, this firepower can be called upon more rapidly compared with scrambling combat helicopters and they are more accurate than artillery cannons," he was quoted as saying.

The rocket is designed for the Israeli army to carry out fast, accurate, and lethal attacks on enemy targets, according to the weapon builder. It is equipped with a 20-kilogram warhead and can reach targets at a distance of 35 kilometers.

The GPS-guided Romah, designed for the Israeli army, will be used with the Artillery Corps' M270 Multiple-Launch Rocket Systems (MLRS), which have already been modified so they can launch the new munition. It is equipped with a 20-kilogram warhead and can reach targets at a distance of 35 kilometers.