Bittium Signs Tactical Communications Software Upgrade Contract With Finnish Defence Forces

  • Our Bureau
  • 08:44 AM, February 24, 2016
  • 3457

The Finnish Defence Forces has contracted Bittium for developing a new software package (waveform) for the Bittium Tactical Wireless IP Network (TAC WIN) system under a EUR 2.8 million agreement.

Bittium TAC WIN designed for tactical communications is used as the wireless broadband network by the Finnish Defence Forces in their M18 command, control and communications system.

The purchase order is part of the renewal of the Finnish Army’s command, control and communications system, where the Software-Defined Radio based Bittium TAC WIN system forms the core of the Army’s tactical wireless IP network.

Bittium TAC WIN provides a mobile broadband IP network connection for the combat troops. This supports the Finnish Army’s reformed combat doctrine, where mobility, leading the troops on the move and effective communications are playing a key role. The main objective for the development work of the new software package is to continue enhancing the performance, data transfer capacity and survivability of the software and the related radio platform. The development work is done based on the observations made during field testing and waveform research done by Bittium.

The order has no significant impact on Bittium's net sales, operating result or financial standing, and it has also no effect on Bittium's financial outlook for the year 2016, published on February 18, 2016 in Bittium's Financial Statement Bulletin 2015.

The development work for the waveform of the Bittium TAC WIN system is continuation to the delivery contract signed in September 2011 between Bittium and the Finnish Defence Forces and to the related product deliveries that began in December 2012 and continued after additional purchase orders received in July 2014 and December 2015. In accordance with the delivery contract, Bittium is developing the Bittium TAC WIN system for the Finnish Defence Forces and delivers software-defined radios that are the basis for the Bittium TAC WIN system.  The work package that was ordered now will be delivered to the Finnish Defence Forces during the year 2016.