Defsys To Produce CONTROP’s Electro-Optical Solutions In India

  • Our Bureau
  • 01:34 PM, March 17, 2016
  • 6775
Defsys To Produce CONTROP’s Electro-Optical Solutions In India

Defsys Solutions Pvt Ltd has collaborated with Israeli firm CONTROP to market and locally produce its advanced electro-optical solutions for the Indian market.

According to Dror Sharon, CONTROP's President & CEO, "We are delighted to partner with the Indian company, Defsys, a supplier of electro-optic solutions to the Indian Ministry of Defense. The company has very advanced manufacturing facilities that will allow us to produce our products in India, and thus meet the 'Make in India' policy promoted by the Indian government. CONTROP has been active in India for more than 10 years. There is a significant need in India for our extremely popular intruder detection systems and camera payloads, which their unique technology characteristics make them good value for money solutions. We see the Indian market as strategic and with huge potential – and are very much ready to transfer knowledge and production to local industry."

According to Mr. Dmitry Bernadiner, Defsys’ Executive Director, "We are proud to partner with CONTROP – a global leader in electro-optics – and to manufacture CONTROP’s unique solutions in India".

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