WASHINGTON -- A new warfighter training program for Iraqi soldiers represents an important milestone in the ongoing effort to increase the Iraqi Armys capability and capacity, a senior U.S. officer who leads the training advisory team told Baghdad reporters today.>> Army Brig. Gen. Steven Salazar, commander of Multinational Security Transition Command Iraqs Coalition Army Advisory Training Team, credited the close partnership with the Iraqi Defense Ministrys training directorate with ensuring steady progress in training the Iraqi force.>> This training, provided through the Tactical Training Director and Center for Military Principles, Values and Leadership, is helping to build a well-trained, professionalized Iraqi army, he said.>> The program includes basic combat training, military operational specialty training and noncommissioned officer training, Salazar noted. In addition, specialty training offered at the Iraqi Army Service Support Institute ensures the Iraqi force has higher-level technical skills in maintenance, supply and administration to support warfighters, Salazar said.>> Weve made considerable financial investment to provide training facilities for the Iraqi army, he said. In addition to the six regional training centers, we have built division training centers for each Iraqi army division. These facilities, he said, include weapons ranges, shoot houses for urban operations, combat assault courses and outdoor training facilities.>> The new warfighter training program makes maximum use of these resources as it addresses counter-improvised-explosive-device training, staff training and ethics training, he said. The three-week program takes soldiers from individual skills training through squad, then platoon, then company and, ultimately, battalion-level collective training.