WASHINGTON --- The testing of Future Combat Systems equipment and testimonials from Soldiers using it may have helped the program receive full funding for the first time.>> President Bush signed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 Oct. 12. The new bill includes some $3.6 billion in funding for FCS, the full amount asked for by the Army. This is the first time Congress has fully funded the Army's FCS request.>> "I think it's very notable we received full funding," said Lt. Gen. Stephen Speakes, deputy chief of staff for G-8, during a conference here Oct. 8. "And we think it's a factor that we have capabilities in the hands of Soldiers ... where our critics and supporters alike can talk to the Soldier who is a combat-hardened veteran, (and) who does have a unique perspective about what their needs were that were unmet when they were last in combat.">> Speakes said moving away from presentations and slideshows and allowing both FCS supporters and detractors to see the Spin Out-1 equipment in the hands of Soldiers has allowed everybody to get a more realistic view of what FCS is about.>> It "has had a powerful affirmative affect in instilling confidence that the Army has it right, with delivery capability on time and on target," Speakes said. "And this (is) absolutely essential to the needs of the Army today and tomorrow that we continue to support this program.">> Though there is no FCS equipment currently in either Iraq or Afghanistan, there is "surrogate" equipment there -- about 25 Micro Air Vehicles in the hands of the 25th Infantry Division and also about 1,500 Pacbot robots.