WASHINGTON --- President Bush said yesterday he will construe restrictions imposed in the fiscal 2009 defense budget in a manner consistent with the constitutional authority and obligations of the president.>> Bush signed the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 into law yesterday. It authorizes a $512 billion base to support military readiness, as well as $66 billion for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.>> The law also authorizes a 3.9 percent pay raise for service-members, to take effect Jan. 1, and other quality-of-life improvements including family housing and tuition assistance programs.>> But the act also includes provisions that purport to impose requirements that could inhibit the presidents ability to carry out his constitutional obligations to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, to protect national security, to conduct diplomatic negotiations, to supervise the executive branch, to appoint officers of the United States, and to execute his authority as commander in chief, Bush said in a written statement.>> These provisions, spelled out in sections 851, 1211(2) and 1508(b) of the law, require that the administration notify Congress of any agreement reached with Iraq regarding future U.S. forces there. The law requires that Congress be permitted to review the arrangement, but does not require its approval. The law also prohibits use of Defense Department funding for any large-scale infrastructure projects in Iraq, with some exceptions.>> The new funding law also calls on the administration to press Iraq to pay costs associated with its own security forces, and to negotiate with the Iraqis to reach a cost-sharing agreement to cover U.S.-Iraqi operations.