Lockheed Martin Delegates Meet C-130J RORO University Challenge Winners

  • Our Bureau
  • 09:08 AM, June 2, 2016
  • 3180
Lockheed Martin Delegates Meet C-130J RORO University Challenge Winners
Lockheed Martin Delegates Meet C-130 RORO University Challenge Winners

A team of Lockheed Martin executives visited the Tata-Lockheed Martin Aerostructures Limited (TLMAL), and Tata Sikorsky Aerospace Limited (TSAL) facilities in Hyderabad on May 31 to meet the winners of the C-130J Roll-On/ Roll-Off University Design Challenge.

The purpose of the visit was for the winners from IIT Chennai and University of Petroleum & Energy Studies who received a grant to develop a prototype of their modular design, to interact with LM & TASL Aerospace engineers and receive valuable feedback and guidance on their designs.

Lockheed Martin has committed to work with each team to explore options with government and industry to mature the prototype for global markets.

The C-130 Roll-on/Roll-off (RO/RO) University Design Challenge was started in November 2014 to help build Indian Industrial capacity to design, develop and produce transformational indigenous capabilities in addition to global customers.

The roll-on/roll-off mission capability packages can be installed onto and removed from, the C-130J within 30 minutes. When specialized mission capabilities are not required, the mission systems pallet can be removed, and the C-130J re-tasked as a medium range cargo aircraft for either military or humanitarian operations.The proposed capabilities presented by the winning teams in this competition are expected to increase efficiency and effectiveness of future disaster relief operations supported by C-130J aircraft.

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Two Indian Universities Win Lockheed Martin C-130J Roll-On/Roll-Off Design Challenge

March 9, 2016 @ 07:27 AM
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