US Senate Clears Bill To Enhance Military Cooperation With India

  • Our Bureau
  • 01:01 PM, June 16, 2016
  • 2628
US Senate Clears Bill To Enhance Military Cooperation With India
US Senate Clears Bill To Enhance Military Cooperation With India

The US Senate this week approved a move to enhance military co-operation with India for developing threat analysis, military doctrine, force planning, logistical support and intelligence collection and analysis.

An amendment titled “to authorise military-to-military exchanges with India”, as passed, asks the Secretary of Defence to ensure that the India-US co-operation is at a level appropriate to enhance engagement between the militaries of the two countries for developing threat analysis, military doctrine, force planning, logistical support, intelligence collection and analysis, tactics, techniques and procedures and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, PTI reported.

The legislation says that the Defence Secretary may take “appropriate actions” to ensure exchanges between senior military officers and senior civilian defence officials of the Indian and US Governments. It also asks the Defence Secretary to ensure significant enhancement of joint military operations, including maritime security, counter-piracy, counter-terror cooperation, and domain awareness in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.

The House of Representatives has already passed its version of the Defence Bill, which among other things has approved a bipartisan legislative move to bolster defence relationship with India. This legislation —— Enhancing Defence and Security Co-operation with India —— was sponsored by Congressmen George Holding and Ami Bera (House India Caucus Chairs), Ed Royce and Elliot Engel, Chair and Ranking Member of House Foreign Affairs Committee respectively.

“The Senate Bill must now be conferenced with the House passed NDAA,” a Congressional aide said. It is expected that the two versions of the Bill would be merged into one and then would go through the House and Senate for a final approval before it could be sent to US President Barack Obama to sign it into law.