USS BOXER, At Sea --- Marine Medium Helicopter (HMM) Squadron 163 (Reinforced), embarked aboard USS Boxer (LHD 4), is among the first squadrons to operate the new Bell UH-1Y "Huey" helicopter, which was tested as part of the Boxer Expeditionary Strike Group (BOXESG) integration exercise Oct. 7-16.>> The most modern tactical utility helicopter available, the Huey is the latest version of one of the Marine Corps' most durable and versatile helicopters, with many improvements on the previous UH-1N.>> "This 'Yankee' version of the classic UH-1 'November' is making the Huey applicable to today's war," said Marine Capt. Tara Russell, an HMM 163 (Rein.) "Evil Eyes" pilot. "Everything has been improved, from the lift capability and flying time to situational awareness systems like a glass cockpit with a moving map display.">> Boxer is the first ship to have the new helicopter aboard as part of its rotary wing aircraft augmentation for deployment. With a new composite four bladed rotor system, two powerful T700-GE 401C engines and decreased maintenance requirements, it provides BOXESG a more advanced ability to provide humanitarian aid or to take the fight to the enemy wherever needed.>> "With the resources to carry both personnel and a full arsenal of weapons we have an expanded capability to support groups on the ground and participate in a greater range of missions," said Marine Capt. Brian Hensarling, an "Evil Eyes" pilot.>> Upgraded features also include increased survivability from enemy attack with a laser warning receiver, radar warning receiver, "smart" countermeasure dispenser and a missile warning device.