Schiebel To Deliver 100 Miniature Mine Detectors To Czech Republic

  • Our Bureau
  • 11:50 AM, July 14, 2016
  • 4664
Schiebel To Deliver 100 Miniature Mine Detectors To Czech Republic
Miniature mine detector MIMID (Image: Schiebel)

Schiebel will deliver 100 MIMID Miniature Mine Detectors to the Czech Ministry of Defence.

The recent order for 100 additional units of the one-piece, man portable light-weight mine detector placed by the MoD was not the first of this kind. In the past, the Czech Army has already deployed the MIMIDTM detectors for various tasks, the company said in a statement Thursday.

In the future more units are needed to ensure safe movement and protection against IED (Improvised Explosive Device) for sapper and mechanized units in exploration. Due to its capability to detect mines with only minimal metal content the MIMIDTM is ideally suited for military special operations where soldiers need to carry heavy equipment loads in remote areas with little, if any logistical support.

When folded, the unit can be carried on a soldier’s web belt, in a trouser side pocket, or in a rucksack. This unique feature allows operators immediate access to the unit when needed.

The MIMID features a headphone socket and an internal speaker, which automatically mutes when the external headphone is connected. In addition, a visual LED bar indicator is integrated into the housing, providing a constant read-out of the detection signal strength. This bar indicator further enhances the ability to locate the exact center of the mine.

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