Navantia Launches the First Patrol Boat for Venezuela

  • (Source: Navantia)
  • 12:00 AM, October 20, 2008
  • 4296
San Fernando-Puerto Real shipyard, in Southern Spain, launched on 16th October the first of the series of four BVL patrol boats for the control of the coast that Navantia is building for the Venezuelan Navy.>> The ship was named Guaicamacuto and her godmother was Mari Carmen La Riva de Quintana. This ceremony was presided by the Venezuelan Ambassador in Spain, Alfredo Toro, the Chief of the Venezuelan Navy, Pedro Gonzlez, the President of Navantia, Juan Pedro Gmez-Jan, and other relevant guests.>> These ships have been designed by Navantia for defence missions of the sea around Venezuela: protection of the fishing area, protection against smuggling and drug traffic, as well as the defence of the maritime traffic in general.>> Main characteristics:> --Length: 79.90 m.> --Width: 11.50 m.> --Depth: 7 m.> --Displacement: 1,500 t.> --Speed: 22 knots> --Autonomy: 4,000 miles> --Crew: 34 + 30>> The delivery of these four units will take place from August 2009 to July 2011. As part of this contract, Navantia is also building 4 patrol ships for the control and protection of the exclusive economic zone, to be delivered from May 2010 to July 2011.>> Besides the important work for the shipyards of Navantia until 2012, this contract means an important commercial milestone for the company, as it outlines its position in this market with its own latest-generation project.>> -ends->