The Minister of National Defence, Jos Goni, presided at midday today, at the Abrigo quay in Valparaiso, over the reception of the Type 23 frigate Almirante Condell, a vessel of British provenance whose delivery marks the completion of the Fleet renewal plan. In total, eight modern and efficient surface warships, with lower operating costs and smaller crews, have been acquired and will remain in service for at least the next 20 years.>> The 18 officers and 161 seamen and ratings, commanded by Capt. Jorge Cruz, will remain in the United Kingdom for seven months to fit out the ship and for training.>> must not only focus on getting to know the new equipment, which constitutes a real technological leap forward for the Navy,>>> The crew not only had to focus on getting to know its new equipment, which constitutes a true technological leap forward for the Navy; but, in addition, it was trained by the FOST, the same agency that prepares the naval units of the prestigious Royal Navy and which, under the most rigorous standards of professionalism, security and efficiency, has trained other Chilean crews during the fleet renewal process. As Minister of Defense of Chile, and on behalf of all Chileans, I am proud of you, who have once again upheld the name of our Navy as one of the most professional in the world, the minister said.>> During a press conference, held with Navy Commander Admiral Rodolfo Codina, Minister Gori said that advanced negotiations are continuing for the acquisition of a used fleet oiler from the United States to replace the ship Araucano presently in service.