Russian Yak-152 Trainer Aircraft Performs Maiden Flight

  • Our Bureau
  • 02:57 PM, September 29, 2016
  • 3992
Russian Yak-152 Trainer Aircraft Performs Maiden Flight
Yak-152 trainer maiden flight (Image: Irkut Corporation)

The maiden flight of the Yak-152 initial training aircraft took place at the airfield of Irkutsk Aviation Plant Thursday.

Yak-152 aircraft has been developed by Yakovlev Design Bureau, an affiliate of Irkut Corporation.

This new aircraft provides initial pilot training by day and night. Yak-152 is designated for training pilots in flying techniques, basics of navigation, simple, complex, and aerobatic pilotage, as well as group piloting, the company said in a statement.

Yak-152 will allow mastering of instrumental flying along the route and landing approach with the use of airfield landing systems, as well as pilot’s performance in emergencies. Yak-152 aircraft will provide professional selection and training of young pilots in military and civil training centres, and aerobatic pilots in flight clubs.

Serial production of this new training aircraft is unfolding at Irkutsk Aviation Plant. Development and production preparation of Yak-152 are based on up-to- date Russian design solutions in small aviation.

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