Army Awards Development Contracts for JLTV

  • (Source: US Army)
  • 12:00 AM, October 30, 2008
  • 3122
>Industry teams led by BAE Systems, General Dynamics (photo) and Lockheed Martin have been short-listed for the Pentagons Joint Light Tactical Vehicle program. (G.D. photo)WASHINGTON --- The Army announced today the awarding of three contracts for technology development on the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle.>> Together, the three contracts are worth a combined total of approximately $166 million. They have been awarded to: BAE Systems Land & Armament Systems Ground Systems Division, Santa Clara, Calif.; General Tactical Vehicles (A Joint Venture of General Dynamics Land Systems, Inc. and AM General, LLC), Sterling Heights, Mich.; and Lockheed Martin Systems Integration Owego; Owego, N.Y.>> The JLTV is a joint program between the Army, the Marine Corps and U.S. Special Operations Command, where the Army has been designated as the lead agency. The JTLV family of vehicles will provide the Joint Services with a balance between three key factors: performance, payload and protection, said Col. John Myers, Project Manager for the Army's Joint Combat Support Services.>> At the same time, the JLTV must remain transportable and provide expeditionary mobility, said Lt. Col. Wolfgang Petermann, JLTV product manager for the Army, located at Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Mich. He explained that the JLTV will replace a portion of the Humvee fleet, but it is not meant to serve as a direct replacement for that vehicle.>> The technology development phase specified by the contracts will last 27 months, during which time contractors must each develop seven prototype vehicles to represent the three payload categories required by the JLTV program.. Contractors must also develop companion prototype trailers that meet many of the same requirements as the JLTV in terms of mobility, transportability and payload.