Russian Frigate Targets Terrorists With Kaibr Cruise Missile In Syria

  • Our Bureau
  • 01:23 PM, November 15, 2016
  • 4362
Russian Frigate Targets Terrorists With Kaibr Cruise Missile In Syria
Russian Admiral Grigorovich frigate armed with Kalibr missile

Russia has started using its Admiral Grigorovich frigate carrying Kalibr cruise missiles targeting terrorists in Syria.

"Today, we started a large-scale operation on launching massive strikes on Daesh and al-Nusra Front targets in the Idlib and Homs provinces [in Syria]," Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was quoted as saying by Sputnik Tuesday.

Admiral Grigorovich frigate, Bastion coastal missile systems and "for the first time in history of the Russian Naval Forces" Admiral Kuznetsov aicraft-carrying cruiser take part in the military operation, Shoigu said.

"Admiral Grigorovich [frigate] takes part in the operation. Today, it launched Kalibr cruise missiles on [terrorist] targets that had been confirmed by intelligence data and determined in advance," the minister said at a meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with top officials of the Russian Armed Forces.

Shoigu said that the Russian Armed Forces launch strikes on terrorists' plants in Syria, especially those producing poisonous substances. "It's clear that it's a well-organized industrial production, that's why we carry out strikes [on terrorist plants]."

"Ammunition depots, terrorist training centers and plants producing different means of unconventional weapons are the main targets of the strikes." Russia will continue strikes on terrorists' industrial and military sites in Syria, Shoigu said.

On November 12, the commander of the Admiral Kuznetsov said that area-based jets of the aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov which arrived in the Syrian coast heading a group of the Russian Northern Fleet's squadron started training flights.

On October 15, Russia's Northern Fleet’s press service said that a group of warships headed by the aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov accompanied by the Pyotr Veliky battle cruiser, the Severomorsk and Vice-Admiral Kulakov anti-submarine destroyer, and support vessels was sent to the Mediterranean to hold drills.

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