AARGM Enters Production

  • (Source: US Naval Air Systems Command)
  • 12:00 AM, October 31, 2008
  • 2922
>Navair has confirmed that the AGM-88E Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AARGM) has been approved for low-rate initial production. (Navair photo)NAVAIRs newest advanced weapon for destruction of enemy air defenses, AGM-88E, was recently approved to go into low rate production, and the NAWCWD Anti-Radiation Missile (ARM) Technical Project Office (TPO) played a major role in achieving that milestone.>> On Sept. 30, NAVAIRs Direct and Time Sensitive Strike Weapons Program Office (PMA-242) received Navy approval for its AGM-88E Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AARGM) to enter low rate initial production (LRIP).>> The work and knowledge at China Lake was vital to the success of reaching this milestone, said Stephen Farmer, ARM TPO lead. Weve worked closely with PMA-242 and the contractor providing hands-on development and test execution of this weapon system.>> China Lake has been involved with AARGM since it began as a Small Business Innovative Research program in the mid-90s. ARRGM was approved to enter System Development and Demonstration in 2003. VX-9, with assistance from the ARM TPO, conducted two successful AARGM firings in August at China Lake as part of the Operational Assessment, which was a major contributor to the production decision.>> The LRIP decision, known as Milestone C, initiated production of a highly lethal destruction of enemy air defenses capability for naval aviation forces. The AARGM missile, produced by Alliant Techsystems (ATK), is an upgrade to the High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM), AGM-88B, currently in the fleet.