Navistar Sustainment Network Keeps MaxxPro MRAP Vehicles Rolling

  • (Source: Navistar International Corporation)
  • 12:00 AM, October 31, 2008
  • 2582
WARRENVILLE, Ill. --- Urgent needs in Iraq and Afghanistan call for extraordinary measures and Navistar Defense, LLC answers the call by utilizing its Parts Group and engineering expertise for strong sustainment of its International MaxxPro Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles. Today, the U.S. Marine Corps awarded the company two contracts totaling more than $64.7 for parts and vehicle enhancements.>> Our close collaboration with the U.S. military allows us to rapidly provide the government with vehicle enhancements so our troops can continue to complete their missions safely, said Archie Massicotte, president, Navistar Defense. Navistars Parts Group and engineering teams add tremendous value to the strong sustainment of MaxxPro vehicles.>> The contracts, one for $56.4 million and another for $8.3 million, are fixed-price modifications to the original contract awarded to Navistar in May 2007 for parts support and vehicle enhancements to be completed by the end of November, 2008. Vehicle upgrades include engineering changes to mechanical systems and performance upgrades.>> To date, Navistar has shipped more than 800,000 parts pieces to the military for MRAP support and has more than 250 field service representatives and training personnel in theater. Currently, there are more than 4,800 MaxxPro units in theater, which the company began producing in August 2007 rapidly ramping up its production to more than 500 units per month beginning in February 2008. At this same time, the entire MRAP program had doubled in size in little over four months in order to supply troops with the much-needed level of protection afforded by MRAP vehicles.