CAE To Deliver Training Services For NATO E-3A AWACS Aircrews

  • Our Bureau
  • 12:45 PM, March 30, 2017
  • 3609
CAE To Deliver Training Services For NATO E-3A AWACS Aircrews
NATO E-3A Airborne Warning and Control System.

CAE has signed a contract with the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) to provide training services, including instructors, for the NATO E-3A Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircrew training program.

The training service is required for NATO Airbase Geilenkirchen in Germany, the company announced today.

The new contract, with options to extend up to five years, expands on the previous contract for CAE to provide maintenance and support services on the E-3A flight deck simulator and flight training device. 

In addition to continuing to maintain and support the training devices, CAE will now provide aircrew instructors, mission simulator operators, courseware development and crew resource management training.

CAE has been involved with the NATO E-3A training program since delivering the CAE-built E-3A flight deck simulator in 1982. 

Since that time, CAE has provided maintenance and support services, as well as a range of simulator upgrades and modifications. 

Currently, CAE is performing a major modernization effort to the E-3A simulators to ensure concurrency with upgrades to NATO's fleet of E-3A AWACS aircraft. 

In addition to continuing to upgrade, maintain and support the E-3A training devices, CAE will now provide a cadre of instructors and mission system operators to support the delivery of training to NATO E-3A AWACS aircrews.

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